jieba 是一个中文分词第三方库,被称为最好的 Python 中文分词库。支持三种分词模式:精确模式、全模式和搜索引擎模式,并且支持繁体分词和自定义词典。 使用前需要额外安装(对应安装命令改为:pip install jieba
- 代码
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
# @Time : 2022/5/1 15:52 | |
# @Author : MinChess | |
# @File : test.py | |
# @Software: PyCharm | |
import jieba | |
seg_list = jieba.cut("我在东北师范大学测试结巴库", cut_all=True) | |
print("/ ".join(seg_list)) # 全模式 | |
seg_list = jieba.cut("我在东北师范大学测试结巴库", cut_all=False) | |
print( "/ ".join(seg_list)) # 精确模式 | |
seg_list = jieba.cut("我在东北师范大学测试结巴库") # 默认是精确模式 | |
print("/ ".join(seg_list)) | |
seg_list = jieba.cut_for_search("我就读与东北师范大学,我的专业是信息资源管理") # 搜索引擎模式 | |
print("/ ".join(seg_list)) |
- 输出
- 实现思路 读取自定义词表,组成数组,将分词后的内容与列表对比,相同就替换,原理和正则表达式清洗文档一样,匹配到不需要的就替换。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
# @Time : 2022/5/1 15:52 | |
# @Author : MinChess | |
# @File : stop.py | |
# @Software: PyCharm | |
import jieba | |
import re | |
# 利用jieba对文本进行分词,返回切词后的list | |
def seg_doc(str_doc): | |
# 正则处理原文本 | |
sent_list = str_doc.split('\n') | |
# map内置高阶函数:一个函数和list,函数依次作用在list. | |
sent_list = map(textParse, sent_list) # 正则处理 | |
# 获取停用词 | |
stwlist = get_stop_words() | |
# 分词并去除停用词 | |
word_2dlist = [rm_tokens(jieba.cut(part, cut_all=False), stwlist) for part in sent_list] | |
# 合并列表 | |
word_list = sum(word_2dlist, []) | |
return word_list | |
# 正则对字符串清洗 | |
def textParse(str_doc): | |
r1 = '[a-zA-Z0-9’!"#$%&\'()*+,-./::;;|<=>?@,—。?★、…【】《》?“”‘’![\\]^_`{|}~]+' | |
str_doc=re.sub(r1, ' ', str_doc) | |
return str_doc | |
# 创建停用词列表 | |
def get_stop_words(path=r'自定义词表.txt'): | |
file = open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read().split('\n') | |
print(set(file)) | |
return set(file) | |
# 去掉一些停用词和数字 | |
def rm_tokens(words, stwlist): | |
words_list = list(words) | |
stop_words = stwlist | |
for i in range(words_list.__len__())[::-1]: | |
if words_list[i] in stop_words: # 去除停用词 | |
words_list.pop(i) | |
elif words_list[i].isdigit(): # 去除数字 | |
words_list.pop(i) | |
elif len(words_list[i]) == 1: # 去除单个字符 | |
words_list.pop(i) | |
# elif words_list[i] == " ": # 去除空字符 | |
# words_list.pop(i) | |
return words_list | |
# 读取文本信息 | |
def readFile(path): | |
str_doc = "" | |
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
str_doc = f.read() | |
return str_doc | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
path = r'待处理文件.txt' | |
str_doc = readFile(path) | |
word_list = seg_doc(str_doc) | |
print(word_list) | |
wl_space_split = " ".join(word_list) | |
print(wl_space_split) | |
#这里把数据自定义停用词后输出txt文档 | |
result2txt = str(wl_space_split) | |
with open('lunwen2.txt', 'a') as file_handle: | |
file_handle.write(result2txt) | |
file_handle.write('\n') |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
# @Time : 2022/5/1 15:23 | |
# @Author : MinChess | |
# @File : jieba.py | |
# @Software: PyCharm | |
import jieba | |
import re | |
import time | |
from collections import Counter | |
cut_words = "" | |
all_words = "" | |
f = open('已分词.txt', 'w') | |
for line in open('待分词.txt', encoding='utf-8'): | |
line.strip('\n') | |
seg_list = jieba.cut(line,cut_all=False) | |
cut_words = (" ".join(seg_list)) | |
f.write(cut_words) | |
all_words += cut_words | |
else: | |
f.close() | |
# 输出结果 | |
all_words = all_words.split() | |
print(all_words) | |
# 词频统计 | |
c = Counter() | |
for x in all_words: | |
if len(x)>1 and x != '\r\n': | |
c[x] += 1 | |
# 输出前20 | |
print('\n词频统计结果:') | |
for (k,v) in c.most_common(20): | |
print("%s:%d"%(k,v)) | |
# 存储词频 | |
name = "词频.csv" | |
fw = open(name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
i = 1 | |
for (k,v) in c.most_common(len(c)): | |
fw.write(str(i)+','+str(k)+','+str(v)+'\n') | |
i = i + 1 | |
else: | |
print("完成写入!") | |
fw.close() |