那么想要解决上述问题,基本都需要从数据库本身出发进行数据库优化,但是这些性能瓶颈我们是不好优化的.因为数据库是由厂商驱动来决定的. 所以缓存应运而生.
LRU: 最不常用的对象会被换出到硬盘中(或者说最少使用的对象),通过给每个对象记录使用次数可以实现.
1.ORM框架集成缓存 | |
Hibernate Mybatis JDO(Hive) 缓存 | |
基于DAO层框架为业务提供缓存 | |
将缓存存储在jvm的内存中,速度比较快不像第三方中间件会有网络开销 | |
2.第三方中间件充当缓存 | |
Redis Memcache | |
直接为java程序提供缓存服务 |
UserDAOImpl{ | |
public List<User> queryAllUsers(){ | |
//对缓存的操作 | |
//--->Redis 获取 取到 直接返回 | |
//没取到 访问数据库 执行JDBC | |
JDBC----> DB | |
} | |
public User queryUserById(int id){ | |
//对缓存的操作 | |
//--->Redis 获取 取到 直接返回 | |
//没取到 访问数据库 执行JDBC | |
JDBC----> DB | |
} | |
} |
public interface ProductDAO { | |
public void save(); | |
public Product queryProductById(int id); | |
public List<Product> queryAllProducts(); | |
} |
public class ProductDAOImpl implements ProductDAO { | |
public void save() { | |
System.out.println("jdbc 的方式操作 数据库 完成 插入的操作"); | |
} | |
public Product queryProductById(int id) { | |
System.out.println("jdbc 的方式基于ID 进行查询 " + id); | |
return new Product(); | |
} | |
public List<Product> queryAllProducts() { | |
System.out.println("jdbc 的方式进行全表查询 "); | |
return new ArrayList(); | |
} | |
} |
public class TestMybaits2 { | |
/** | |
* 用于测试:创建DAO接口的代理 | |
*/ | |
@Test | |
public void test() { | |
ProductDAO productDAO = new ProductDAOImpl(); | |
ProductDAO productDAOProxy = (ProductDAO) Proxy.newProxyInstance(TestMybaits2.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ProductDAO.class}, new InvocationHandler() { | |
@Override | |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { | |
//方法 只有以query开头,在进行缓存的处理 如果不是以query开头,就直接运行 | |
if (method.getName().startsWith("query")) { | |
System.out.println("连接redis 查看数据是否 存在 如果存在 则直接返回 return data"); | |
return method.invoke(productDAO, args); | |
} | |
//非查询方法 | |
return method.invoke(productDAO, args); | |
} | |
}); | |
//进行测试 | |; | |
System.out.println("---------------------------------"); | |
productDAOProxy.queryProductById(10); | |
System.out.println("---------------------------------"); | |
productDAOProxy.queryAllProducts(); | |
} | |
} |
创建注解@Cache ** **
@Target(ElementType.METHOD) | |
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) | |
public @interface Cache { | |
} |
public interface ProductDAO { | |
public void save(); | |
public Product queryProductById(int id); | |
@Cache | |
public List<Product> queryAllProducts(); | |
} |
public class TestMybaits2 { | |
/** | |
* 用于测试:创建DAO接口的代理 | |
*/ | |
@Test | |
public void test() { | |
ProductDAO productDAO = new ProductDAOImpl(); | |
ProductDAO productDAOProxy = (ProductDAO) Proxy.newProxyInstance(TestMybaits2.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ProductDAO.class}, new InvocationHandler() { | |
@Override | |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { | |
//方法 只有以query开头,在进行缓存的处理 如果不是以query开头,就直接运行 | |
// if (method.getName().startsWith("query")) { | |
// System.out.println("连接redis 查看数据是否 存在 如果存在 则直接返回 return data"); | |
// return method.invoke(productDAO, args); | |
// } | |
Cache cache = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(Cache.class); | |
if (cache != null) { | |
System.out.println("连接redis 查看数据是否 存在 如果存在 则直接返回 return data"); | |
return method.invoke(productDAO, args); | |
} | |
//非查询方法 | |
return method.invoke(productDAO, args); | |
} | |
}); | |; | |
System.out.println("---------------------------------"); | |
productDAOProxy.queryProductById(10); | |
System.out.println("---------------------------------"); | |
productDAOProxy.queryAllProducts(); | |
} |
/** | |
* Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors. | |
* | |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
* limitations under the License. | |
*/ | |
package org.apache.ibatis.cache; | |
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; | |
/** | |
* SPI for cache providers. | |
* | |
* One instance of cache will be created for each namespace. | |
* | |
* The cache implementation must have a constructor that receives the cache id as an String parameter. | |
* | |
* MyBatis will pass the namespace as id to the constructor. | |
* | |
* | |
<pre> | |
* public MyCache(final String id) { | |
* if (id == null) { | |
* throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cache instances require an ID"); | |
* } | |
* = id; | |
* initialize(); | |
* } | |
* </pre> | |
* | |
* @author Clinton Begin | |
*/ | |
//定义为一个借口,看看下面定义了哪些方法 | |
public interface Cache { | |
/**官方注释上写的是这是一个缓存的标识符 | |
* @return The identifier of this cache | |
*/ | |
String getId(); | |
/**向缓存中存储数据 | |
* @param key Can be any object but usually it is a {@link CacheKey} | |
* @param value The result of a select. | |
*/ | |
void putObject(Object key, Object value); | |
/**从缓存中获取数据 | |
* @param key The key | |
* @return The object stored in the cache. | |
*/ | |
Object getObject(Object key); | |
/** | |
* As of 3.3.0 this method is only called during a rollback | |
* for any previous value that was missing in the cache. | |
* This lets any blocking cache to release the lock that | |
* may have previously put on the key. | |
* A blocking cache puts a lock when a value is null | |
* and releases it when the value is back again. | |
* This way other threads will wait for the value to be | |
* available instead of hitting the database. | |
* | |
* | |
* @param key The key | |
* @return Not used | |
*/ | |
Object removeObject(Object key); | |
/** | |
* Clears this cache instance | |
*/ | |
void clear(); | |
/** | |
* Optional. This method is not called by the core. | |
* | |
* @return The number of elements stored in the cache (not its capacity). | |
*/ | |
int getSize(); | |
/** 已经废除 | |
* Optional. As of 3.2.6 this method is no longer called by the core. | |
* | |
* Any locking needed by the cache must be provided internally by the cache provider. | |
* | |
* @return A ReadWriteLock | |
*/ | |
ReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock(); | |
} |
/** | |
* 1. 存数据 存多个数据 | |
* 2. key value | |
*/ | |
public class MyMybatisCache implements Cache { | |
//定义一个map来进行缓存的存储 | |
private Map<Object,Object> internalCache = new HashMap(); | |
public String getId() { | |
//获取类名来做为缓存标识符 | |
return getClass().getName() ; | |
} | |
public void putObject(Object key, Object value) { | |
//这里以下方法直接使用map集合的常用方法实现 | |
internalCache.put(key,value); | |
} | |
public Object getObject(Object key) { | |
return internalCache.get(key); | |
} | |
public Object removeObject(Object key) { | |
return internalCache.remove(key); | |
} | |
public void clear() { | |
internalCache.clear(); | |
} | |
public int getSize() { | |
return internalCache.size(); | |
} | |
public ReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock() { | |
//废弃方法一般不实现,直接返回null.这里我们为了实现接口的完整性new了一个ReadWriteLock的实现类 | |
return new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); | |
} | |
} |
public class PerpetualCache implements Cache { | |
private final String id; | |
//可以发现源码中也是通过hashMap来实现的 | |
private Map<Object, Object> cache = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); | |
//这里的id是通过构造方法也就是初始化的时候由用户传入的 | |
public PerpetualCache(String id) { | | = id; | |
} | |
public String getId() { | |
return id; | |
} | |
public int getSize() { | |
return cache.size(); | |
} | |
public void putObject(Object key, Object value) { | |
cache.put(key, value); | |
} | |
public Object getObject(Object key) { | |
return cache.get(key); | |
} | |
public Object removeObject(Object key) { | |
return cache.remove(key); | |
} | |
public void clear() { | |
cache.clear(); | |
} | |
public ReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock() { | |
//这里废弃的方法也是并没有去做实现 | |
return null; | |
} | |
public boolean equals(Object o) { | |
if (getId() == null) { | |
throw new CacheException("Cache instances require an ID."); | |
} | |
if (this == o) { | |
return true; | |
} | |
if (!(o instanceof Cache)) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
Cache otherCache = (Cache) o; | |
return getId().equals(otherCache.getId()); | |
} | |
public int hashCode() { | |
if (getId() == null) { | |
throw new CacheException("Cache instances require an ID."); | |
} | |
return getId().hashCode(); | |
} | |
} |
FifoCache | |
增强换出功能使用先入先出的方式进行换出操作 | |
LruCache | |
最少使用的缓存将被换出 (默认的装饰器) | |
LoggingCache | |
Cache增加日志功能 | |
BlockingCache | |
保证同一时间只有一个线程到缓存中查找对应key的数据 | |
ScheduledCache | |
设置一个时间间隔来清空缓存 | |
SerializbledCache | |
自动完成key/value的序列化和反序列化操作 | |
TransactionalCache | |
只有在事务操作成功时,把对应的数据防止在缓存中 |
/** | |
* 用于测试:Cache 与 装饰器 | |
*/ | |
public void test2() { | |
//创建PerpetualCache对象传入参数id | |
PerpetualCache perpetualCache = new PerpetualCache("sunshuai"); | |
//将PerpetualCache对象作为参数提供给LruCache | |
LruCache lruCache = new LruCache(perpetualCache); | |
//也可以使用套娃将LRU换出算法作为参数提供给LoggingCache,使其拥有日志功能 | |
LoggingCache loggingCache = new LoggingCache(lruCache); | |
} |
Mybatis大量增加装饰器设计模式 | |
作用:为目标拓展功能(本职工作 核心功能) | |
装饰器 代理 类图 都一样 | |
本质的区别: | |
装饰器:增加核心功能 和被装饰的对象做的是一件事 | |
代理:增加额外功能 和被代理的对象做的是不同的事 | |
无中生有 | |
接口 --- 动态代理(动态字节码技术)自动创建接口实现类 | |
1)一级缓存 (默认开启)
sqlSession.getMapper() ------->UserDAO接口的实现类(代理)
executor | |
| | |
BaseExecutor | |
| | | | |
SimpleExecutor ReuseExecutor BatchExecutor | |
这是一个标准的适配器设计模式,在实现接口的过程中,只想或者只能实现其部分方法可以考虑适配器设计模式.那么缓存操作肯定实在BaseExcutor中去体现的,因为不可能每个实现类都去实现一级缓存的操作.下面我们直接进入BaseExecutor源码 | |
public abstract class BaseExecutor implements Executor { | |
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BaseExecutor.class); | |
protected Transaction transaction; | |
protected Executor wrapper; | |
protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<DeferredLoad> deferredLoads; | |
//缓存的数据存储在hashmap中 (对应mybatis的基本操作) | |
protected PerpetualCache localCache; | |
//缓存存储过程 | |
protected PerpetualCache localOutputParameterCache; | |
protected Configuration configuration; | |
protected int queryStack; | |
private boolean closed; | |
protected BaseExecutor(Configuration configuration, Transaction transaction) { | |
this.transaction = transaction; | |
this.deferredLoads = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<DeferredLoad>(); | |
this.localCache = new PerpetualCache("LocalCache"); | |
this.localOutputParameterCache = new PerpetualCache("LocalOutputParameterCache"); | |
this.closed = false; | |
this.configuration = configuration; | |
this.wrapper = this; | |
} |
//查询中抽象方法由适配器实现类实现,所以我们只需要关注query()方法 | |
public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException { | |
//获取sql语句 | |
BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameter); | |
//创建缓存的key | |
CacheKey key = createCacheKey(ms, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql); | |
//重载进入下面的query()方法 | |
return query(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql); | |
} | |
public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException { | |
ErrorContext.instance().resource(ms.getResource()).activity("executing a query").object(ms.getId()); | |
if (closed) { | |
throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed."); | |
} | |
if (queryStack == 0 && ms.isFlushCacheRequired()) { | |
clearLocalCache(); | |
} | |
//查询返回结果list | |
List<E> list; | |
try { | |
queryStack++; | |
//缓存相关操作--如果从缓存中没有获取到数据执行else内容直接查询数据库,查询到直接返回list | |
list = resultHandler == null ? (List<E>) localCache.getObject(key) : null; | |
if (list != null) { | |
//这个操作是处理存储过程中的输出参数 | |
handleLocallyCachedOutputParameters(ms, key, parameter, boundSql); | |
} else { | |
//正常查询数据库操作 | |
list = queryFromDatabase(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql); | |
} | |
} finally { | |
queryStack--; | |
} | |
if (queryStack == 0) { | |
for (DeferredLoad deferredLoad : deferredLoads) { | |
deferredLoad.load(); | |
} | |
// issue #601 | |
deferredLoads.clear(); | |
if (configuration.getLocalCacheScope() == LocalCacheScope.STATEMENT) { | |
// issue #482 | |
clearLocalCache(); | |
} | |
} | |
return list; | |
} | |
//抽象方法会交给适配器的实现类来进行实现 | |
protected abstract <E> List<E> doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) | |
throws SQLException; | |
protected abstract <E> Cursor<E> doQueryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, BoundSql boundSql) | |
throws SQLException; |
private <E> List<E> queryFromDatabase(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException { | |
List<E> list; | |
//向缓存中存储一个枚举类型的占位符 | |
localCache.putObject(key, EXECUTION_PLACEHOLDER); | |
try { | |
//执行数据库查询操作,这里我们就不继续往下看源码了因为是由simlpeExecutor去执行 | |
list = doQuery(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql); | |
} finally { | |
localCache.removeObject(key); | |
} | |
//将查询到的数据存储在缓存中 | |
localCache.putObject(key, list); | |
if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) { | |
localOutputParameterCache.putObject(key, parameter); | |
} | |
return list; | |
} |
默认关闭 | |
激活二级缓存 | |
1.mybatis-config.xml中加入setting的配置(现在版本已经不需要进行配置了,默认开启) | |
2.mapper文件中引入二级缓存Cache标签(必须要配置) | |
3.查询时需要加上 userCache=true属性(也是可以不用配置的) | |
4.事务存在 |
CachingExecutor ---- SimpleExecutor ReuseExecutor 增强缓存功能(通过套娃)
CachingExecutor ce = new CachingExecutor(simpleExecutor)
上述代码 在mybatis源码中的哪个位置体现呢
通过在idea直接搜索new CachingExecutor(),可以发现在Configuration类中有这一操作,下面见源码
可以发现通过上面的cacheEnabled属性会使用套娃给executor增强缓存的功能,而这个cacheEnabled属性正是对应的我们mybatis-config配置文件中setting标签的配置.默认为true,这就是我们为什么现在不需要对setting进行配置的原因.按理论上来说mybatis的全局缓存也就是二级缓存应该也是默认开启的,但是需要在mapper文件中进行配置才会生效.继续追溯 CachingExecutor()构造方法看看CachingExecutor是如何提供缓存操作的.
//可以发现CachingExecutor中有很多方法,那么缓存操作肯定是为查询来提供的所以直接看到CachingExecutor中的query()方法 | |
public class CachingExecutor implements Executor { | |
private final Executor delegate; | |
private final TransactionalCacheManager tcm = new TransactionalCacheManager(); | |
public CachingExecutor(Executor delegate) { | |
this.delegate = delegate; | |
delegate.setExecutorWrapper(this); | |
} | |
public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException { | |
BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameterObject); | |
//这里创建了缓存的key | |
CacheKey key = createCacheKey(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, boundSql); | |
//然后是一个方法重载进入到下面的query方法 | |
return query(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql); | |
} | |
public <E> Cursor<E> queryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds) throws SQLException { | |
flushCacheIfRequired(ms); | |
return delegate.queryCursor(ms, parameter, rowBounds); | |
} | |
public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) | |
throws SQLException { | |
//首先从mappedStatement中获取缓存 | |
Cache cache = ms.getCache(); | |
//如果缓存不为空,那么判断mappedStatement中是否添加了isUserCache=true的属性,然后从缓存中获取数据.如果数据为空,则认为是第一次查询那么就会直接查询数据库然后将查询到的数据put到缓存中,最后返回list数据. | |
if (cache != null) { | |
//这里是如果sql语句加上了清除缓存的属性才会进行清除,查询默认为false也就是默认查询不清除缓存,增删改默认为true,这个默认值是在MappedStatement创建时赋值的 | |
flushCacheIfRequired(ms); | |
if (ms.isUseCache() && resultHandler == null) { | |
ensureNoOutParams(ms, boundSql); | |
List<E> list = (List<E>) tcm.getObject(cache, key); | |
if (list == null) { | |
list = delegate.<E> query(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql); | |
tcm.putObject(cache, key, list); // issue #578 and #116 | |
} | |
return list; | |
} | |
} | |
//如果没有获取到缓存那么直接查询数据库 | |
return delegate.<E> query(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql); | |
} | |
... | |
} |
public int update(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException { | |
//因为默认设置为true,所以会清除缓存主要是怕读到脏数据 | |
flushCacheIfRequired(ms); | |
return delegate.update(ms, parameterObject); | |
} |
一个是xml的方式,另外一个是使用注解的方式.分别对应了俩种方式去开启缓存操作,通过快捷键Ctrl +Alt+H对着useNewCache()方法可以查看方法的调用以及重载调用结构图
private void configurationElement(XNode context) { | |
try { | |
String namespace = context.getStringAttribute("namespace"); | |
if (namespace == null || namespace.equals("")) { | |
throw new BuilderException("Mapper's namespace cannot be empty"); | |
} | |
builderAssistant.setCurrentNamespace(namespace); | |
cacheRefElement(context.evalNode("cache-ref")); | |
//当解析到配置文件的cache标签后,便会为我们在ms中创建cache也就是会调用useNewCache()方法 | |
cacheElement(context.evalNode("cache")); | |
parameterMapElement(context.evalNodes("/mapper/parameterMap")); | |
resultMapElements(context.evalNodes("/mapper/resultMap")); | |
sqlElement(context.evalNodes("/mapper/sql")); | |
buildStatementFromContext(context.evalNodes("select|insert|update|delete")); | |
} catch (Exception e) { | |
throw new BuilderException("Error parsing Mapper XML. The XML location is '" + resource + "'. Cause: " + e, e); | |
} | |
} |
Mybatis解析XML配置文件 | |
---|Mybatis-config.xml | |
---|Mapper 读取mapper.xml文件 | |
---|<cache> | |
---|useNewCache() | |
Mybatis创建二级缓存时 | |
使用构建者Builder设计模式创建对象 | |
对比构建者与工厂创建对象 | |
工厂 创建对象 | |
一般为XXXFactory只注重最终的结果 | |
构建者 创建对象 | |
一般为 new XXXBuilder().build()注重零件组装成最后的产品 |
public Cache useNewCache(Class<? extends Cache> typeClass, | |
Class<? extends Cache> evictionClass, | |
Long flushInterval, | |
Integer size, | |
boolean readWrite, | |
boolean blocking, | |
Properties props) { | |
//可以看到这里使用构建者设计模式将零件组装创建对象 | |
Cache cache = new CacheBuilder(currentNamespace) | |
.implementation(valueOrDefault(typeClass, PerpetualCache.class)) | |
.addDecorator(valueOrDefault(evictionClass, LruCache.class)) | |
.clearInterval(flushInterval) | |
.size(size) | |
.readWrite(readWrite) | |
.blocking(blocking) | |
.properties(props) | |
.build(); | |
configuration.addCache(cache); | |
currentCache = cache; | |
return cache; | |
} |
public Cache build() { | |
//设置默认的实现 | |
setDefaultImplementations(); | |
Cache cache = newBaseCacheInstance(implementation, id); | |
setCacheProperties(cache); | |
if (PerpetualCache.class.equals(cache.getClass())) { | |
for (Class<? extends Cache> decorator : decorators) { | |
cache = newCacheDecoratorInstance(decorator, cache); | |
setCacheProperties(cache); | |
} | |
cache = setStandardDecorators(cache); | |
} else if (!LoggingCache.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass())) { | |
cache = new LoggingCache(cache); | |
} | |
return cache; | |
} |
继续看看这个方法 setDefaultImplementations()
private void setDefaultImplementations() { | |
if (implementation == null) { | |
//默认实现为PerpetualCache和下面的LruCache | |
implementation = PerpetualCache.class; | |
if (decorators.isEmpty()) { | |
//LruCache为PerpetualCache的装饰器 | |
decorators.add(LruCache.class); | |
} | |
} | |
} |
Cache cache = newBaseCacheInstance(implementation, id);
//可以发现传入的implementation参数是一个Cache的实现类 | |
private Cache newBaseCacheInstance(Class<? extends Cache> cacheClass, String id) { | |
Constructor<? extends Cache> cacheConstructor = getBaseCacheConstructor(cacheClass); | |
try { | |
//通过反射创建Cache对象设置一个id | |
return cacheConstructor.newInstance(id); | |
} catch (Exception e) { | |
throw new CacheException("Could not instantiate cache implementation (" + cacheClass + "). Cause: " + e, e); | |
} | |
} |
public Cache build() { | |
setDefaultImplementations(); | |
Cache cache = newBaseCacheInstance(implementation, id); | |
setCacheProperties(cache); | |
//如果没有对缓存进行拓展也就是拓展其他的装饰器那么执行以下代码 | |
if (PerpetualCache.class.equals(cache.getClass())) { | |
for (Class<? extends Cache> decorator : decorators) { | |
//可以进行自定义装饰器 | |
cache = newCacheDecoratorInstance(decorator, cache); | |
setCacheProperties(cache); | |
} | |
//直接使用默认的装饰器 | |
cache = setStandardDecorators(cache); | |
//如果拓展了日志功能那么将日志功能套进cache | |
} else if (!LoggingCache.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass())) { | |
cache = new LoggingCache(cache); | |
} | |
return cache; | |
} |
private Cache setStandardDecorators(Cache cache) { | |
try { | |
//获取相关参数(根据cache标签中是否增加对应的属性来判断添加对应的装饰器) | |
MetaObject metaCache = SystemMetaObject.forObject(cache); | |
if (size != null && metaCache.hasSetter("size")) { | |
metaCache.setValue("size", size); | |
} | |
if (clearInterval != null) { | |
cache = new ScheduledCache(cache); | |
((ScheduledCache) cache).setClearInterval(clearInterval); | |
} | |
if (readWrite) { | |
cache = new SerializedCache(cache); | |
} | |
cache = new LoggingCache(cache); | |
cache = new SynchronizedCache(cache); | |
if (blocking) { | |
cache = new BlockingCache(cache); | |
} | |
return cache; | |
} catch (Exception e) { | |
throw new CacheException("Error building standard cache decorators. Cause: " + e, e); | |
} | |
} |
useNewCache() | |
1.创建默认缓存---> PerpetualCache和 LruCache | |
2.创建新的实现---> Cache cache = newBaseCacheInstance(implementation, id); | |
3.读取整合cache的property标签增加额外的参数(内置缓存不用,主要用于自定义缓存 如redis ,OsCache,EhCache) | |
4.增加装饰器----->cache标签上的属性如size,clearInterval,readWrite,blocking等 |